Tony Clement

Former Canadian Health Minister
The Honourable Tony Clement has had a long and distinguished career, spanning four decades, in politics, the law and business. He served in senior roles in Prime Minister Harper’s Cabinet (2006-2015) as Health Minister, Industry Minister and President of the Treasury Board. In those roles he was tasked with senior leadership responsibilities. He initiated the cost reductions and business transformations that allowed for the balancing of the federal budget; and he negotiated the deal with Chrysler, GM, auto sector unions and the US Government that saved the domestic auto sector.
As Health Minister for Canada 2006-2008 he fashioned the first National Pandemic Plan. He also created the Canadian Partnership Against Canada and the Mental Health Commission.
As Industry Minister he initiated Canada’s Digital Strategy and later Canada’s open data strategy as part of the worldwide Open Government Partnership.
He served as a Member of Parliament 2006-2019.
Prior to federal politics Tony Clement served in the cabinets of Ontario Premiers Mike Harris and Ernie Eves (1997-2003), taking leadership positions as Minister of Transportation, Minister of the Environment, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. During 2003 he was the frontline Health Minister during the SARS outbreak in Ontario.
As a business entrepreneur Tony Clement leads IT startup companies, serves on IT and health care boards and provides strategic advice both nationally and internationally. He continues to operate in international circles, with strong connections in the USA, UK, Europe, South America and Asia, including India. A trained lawyer, he is able to analyze from legal, geopolitical and financial perspectives.
As an aside Tony Clement hosts the daily television program “Boom and Bust” on The News Forum, which focuses on business, the economy, tech and national security. He also co-hosts his regular podcast “And Another Thing Podcast” and hosts a monthly radio program.
Tony Clement lives in Muskoka, Ontario and his wife Lynne is a lawyer and successful author. He has three adult children.