Connexall has always been great in connecting us with other hospitals that have done what we want to do, but being able to see and meet people face to face, even in this digital age, is something that is underappreciated.

Aniket Nadkarni Stanford Children's Health

One of my favorite parts of WorldConnex is the amount of networking that we can do with individuals around the world. You listen to the presentations and you can take away ideas that could be applicable to your hospital, but you also can share unique elements of your healthcare system that can maybe help them.

Candice Friestad Avera Health

I’ve been attending WorldConnex for 5-8 years and it is a great career investment – we learn so much from our peers. I am able to peer network with some other Children’s Hospitals to see what they’re doing and what we’re doing as it relates to Digital Transformation and moving the needle in this new…

Lori McCauley Arkansas Children’s Hospital

Apart from it being a wonderful location and delicious food, the main reason I’m here is the chance to network with other healthcare facilities. It’s very convenient to come here because we meet with colleagues that have similar challenges, and I can actually bounce ideas off them and find out what works and what doesn’t.…

Jonathon Tunstead Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Keep up the good work. Thank you to the Connexall Team for all the hard work that was put into making this conference an amazing one!!!! It was also nice to network with Connexall Attendees from other hospitals and learn how ConnexAll was deployed to gain efficiencies. The location was amazing. Thank you, Thank you,…

Janice Wilson North York General Hospital

Fantastic hospitality, First Class. the Connexall team took care of the customers to no end. It was customers first and I felt like I mattered and my interests were Connexall’s first priority. My expectations always rise and Connexall exceeds them everytime.

Conference Attendee